
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Ecuador Volcanoes

Ecuador have 27 volcanoes potentially active including the Galapagos Islands. Some of them are continental volcanoes: Cayambe, Reventador, Guagua Pichincha, Cotopaxi, Tungurahua, Sangay and Potrerillos - Chacana and seven Galapagos volcanoes: Marchena Cerro Azul, Fernandina, St. Thomas Chico Volcano, Alcedo, Darwin and Wolf. All of them have had eruptions since 1532. It is possible to grow the number of volcanoes classified as "potentially active". Here some of the most beautiful sights.

Latitude: 0,4846° S
Longitude: 78,1414°W
Elevation: 5720 m (It is the fourth highest volcano in Ecuador)
Volcano Type: Conical stratovolcano landslide scarp
State: Active


Latitude: 0,025° N
Longitude: 77,9871° W 
Elevation: 5759 m (maximum peak)
Volcano Type: Conical stratovolcano landslide scarp
State: Active


Latitude: 1 ° 28 'South
Longitude: 78 ° 27 'West
Elevation: 5023 m
Located 33 kilometers southeast of Ambato, in the Cordillera Real of the Ecuadorian Andes
State: Active

Latitude: 1 ° 46 'South
Longitude: 78 ° 82 'West
Elevation: 6310 m (is the highest volcano in Ecuador)
Located 30 kilometers NW Riobamba
State: Potentially Active

Guagua Pichincha

Latitude: 0. 17 ° S 
Longitude: 78.60 ° W
Elevation: 4794 m
Volcano type: Strato volcano with avalanche caldera open to the W
Alert: Yellow
Last eruption: 2004


Latitude: 0 ° 04 '05'' S
Longitude: 77 ° 40 '22'' W
90 km east-northeast of Quito
Diameter: 3-4 km
Maximum elevation: 3485 m
State: Active


Longitude: 77 ° 34
45 km SE of Riobamba G-1: 50000 A '
Elevation: 5230 msnm
State: Active


Latitude: 0.36 N
Longitude: 78.18 ° W
Zone: 10 km to the southwest of Ibarra
Elevation: 4620 m.s.n.m. (Taita Imbabura)
Volcano Type: Composite stratovolcano
Basal diameter: 16 km N-S x 14 km E-W
State: Inactive

Sierra Negra
Latitude: 0.83°S
Longitude: 91.17°W
Zone: South eastern end of Isabela Island Galapagos Islands
Elevation: 1124 m 
Volcano Type:  The caldera is structurally complex with a 14 km long ridge within it.
Last eruption: 2005
State: Active

Latitude: 0.26°S
Longitude: 91.07°W
Zone: Isabela Island Galapagos
Elevation: 1130 m
Volcano Type: The caldera measures 6.1 x 7.4 km
Last eruption: 1993

Information from: Instituto Geofisico EPN

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